A wise man once said that choosing the right hypnotherapist is a lot like dating; you may not get it right the first time – but there is always someone perfect for you! Luckily, Joymind only works with the best of the best, so this shouldn’t be hard. 🙂
If you’re new to this, or even if you’re not new to this, the process can be equally daunting. The first step in finding the hypnotherapist that best suits your needs is by defining your goals. Ask yourself – what am I seeking to change? Get very clear on what your ideal outcome at the end of this journey looks like. Once you’re able to envision the results of your growth in a tangible way, you can move on to the next step: finding the most qualified person to address your needs.
Each hypnotherapist is a unique individual with distinct strengths and speciality areas of interest. Some hypnotherapists love to work with more physiological aspects of our subconscious by focusing on hypnosis for smoking or hypnosis for weight loss. Others like to go a little deeper by working with hypnosis for anxiety, persistent toxic relationships patterns or the aftermath of post-traumatic stress disorder. These strong suits will always be thoroughly listed along with certifications and background education.
Next, it’s important to learn about the hypnotherapist’s therapeutic style. Some are more direct and solution-focused, while others take a more introspective and reflective approach. Those on our team are responsible for sharing exactly which direction they opt for to make the whole thing easier for you, because hey, it’s very probable and quite frankly expected, to not know what style is actually going to produce results for you. No need to worry, if you’d like to consult with a potential hypnotherapist, we can set up a brief call so you can decide if it’s a match made in hypnosis heaven.
Lastly, the best thing is each Joymind hypnotherapist profile features an introduction video. This way, you get a real, visceral feel for who they are. And since you’ll be opening up to this person in a deeply intimate way – a video can be really helpful in taking the edge off the whole thing. At the end of the day, energy is *everything* and you have to trust what your gut is trying to pick up on. This is your healing journey and it has to feel right.