Joymind | Hypnotherapy & Coaching

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Real Joymind Customers

4.8 average star rating

Real Joymind Customers
4.8 average star rating

Click on an issue below to filter and read reviews specific to your concerns.

  • All
  • Anxiety & stress
  • Bad habits
  • Fears & phobias
  • Health & wellness
  • Personal development
  • Relationships issues
  • Sleep Issues
  • Smoking & vaping
  • Trauma
  • Weight loss
Diana R.
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
I have always been a very skeptical person about a lot of things. On the other hand, I love and trust so many that I shouldn’t. Over a year ago

Diana R.
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Anthony L Contreras
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Other addictions
Smoking & vaping
Last year, I knew I was going to get started on my healing journey. I had been to AA before but nothing worked to get me started on a new

Anthony L Contreras
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Other addictions
Smoking & vaping
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
I’ve been loving it, every session i feel more comfortable, more calm and less anxious. I’m able to drop into that meditative state easier, which has always been hard for

Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Meryeens Kuoman
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
When I first started here I was lost and broken. I honestly wanted a change for me and my daughter. I knew that I attracted the wrong men in my

Meryeens Kuoman
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Anxiety & stress
I was pretty skeptical about virtual hypnosis but needed help managing anxiety and ongoing sleep issues. Lenora worked with me in such a comfortable and unique way. Our sessions were

Anxiety & stress
Anxiety & stress
Kristen Luman

I went into another planet. Hypnosis is such a healing tool when you can’t just think through talk through your issues. I feel more relaxed than ever!

Anxiety & stress
Kristen Luman
Jessica Crum
Anxiety & stress
Kristen Luman
I love Joymind. I’ve been experiencing intense anxiety and from the moment I had my first session with Kristen I was more able to focus on positive thoughts, not to

Jessica Crum
Anxiety & stress
Kristen Luman
Halina Rafacz
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Weight loss
I booked a package of six 80 minute sessions with Iris Sutelo. Iris is amazing! So fun and easy to talk to. I was so nervous and she put me

Halina Rafacz
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Weight loss
Real talk Ryker
Anxiety & stress

Working with Tamara was such a pleasure. I’m seeing great results,Thanks to Tamara and Joymind.🙏🏽

Real talk Ryker
Anxiety & stress
Health & wellness
Rochelle Cook
I’ve done CBT, EMDR and tons of other therapies but I haven’t had a session like this before! I didn’t think online would work, but it was actually better because

Health & wellness
Rochelle Cook
Karim Dardon
Anxiety & stress
Relationships issues
Esta experiencia con el terapeuta Christian Piker ha sido increíble y la forma en que me ha guiado, he disfrutado mucho conocer la forma en como funciona y se desarrolla

Karim Dardon
Anxiety & stress
Relationships issues
Christian Heath
Anxiety & stress
I began working with Joymind and Rochelle at the beginning of the year (2023). I went into our sessions a bit skeptical and unsure as to whether her service could

Christian Heath
Anxiety & stress
John Wigmanich
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
I can’t say enough wonderful things about Rochelle. From the first call she made me feel heard and appreciated. We didn’t waste any time getting deep and right into it.

John Wigmanich
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Jared Yutronich
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle is something else. What an amazing woman and therapist. I went into this adventure with complete unknowing of what the outcome or process would look like, but jumped in

Jared Yutronich
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
I am an overly analytical person so I was really skeptical if it would actually work. But she really helped my connect certain dots I hadn’t seen before such as

Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Amy Wys
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle is truly a blessing! I can’t even begin to explain how she helped me through several aspects of my life, but I can tell you that the strong, independent

Amy Wys
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Courtney S.
Anxiety & stress
Health & wellness
Rochelle Cook
I’ve never done Hypnotherapy before. I knew I know what holds me back or what’s holding me back. I needed Rochelle to give me a push and help me navigate

Courtney S.
Anxiety & stress
Health & wellness
Rochelle Cook
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Personal development
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook

Super excited to get started on my journey. My time with Rochelle was nothing short of being amazing.

Bad habits
Health & wellness
Personal development
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
J. Barry
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Personal development
Relationships issues
Sean Green
For habits and breaking bad habits, Joymind’s Hypnotherapy is golden. I have tried talk therapy, even Freudian therapy with a couch, but it did not work, it did not get

J. Barry
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Personal development
Relationships issues
Sean Green
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Relationships issues
Smoking & vaping
Tafik Muhammad

I am a strong advocate for self-healing. Tafik Muhammad was truly amazing I am at a loss for words. You can feel the passion for what he does.

Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Relationships issues
Smoking & vaping
Tafik Muhammad
Louis M.
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Sean Green
Sean helped me quickly acknowledge that I was becoming a hoarder! Just admitting it was helping me to break the bad habit, but then he used a hypnotherapy technique I

Louis M.
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Sean Green
Stephani Stephens, PhD, Independent Scholar, Canberra, Australia.
Stephani Stephens, PhD.
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Michael Glock has written a unique and creative approach to design thinking with ‘Way Ahead’. With a conceptual design system focused on Jungian and Western Apache theories and praxis, the

Stephani Stephens, PhD.
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Konoyu Nakamura, PhD. Professor for clinical psychology at Otemon Gakuin University, Osaka, Japan, Jungian oriented psychotherapist, Member of EC of IAJS. Tokyo, Japan.
Konoyu Nakamura, PhD.
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
“I was moved because I see how Michael has struggled to seek his own soul. It is a difficult journey. It has touched me deeply. He is  showing the way

Konoyu Nakamura, PhD.
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
~ Jutta Schamp, Ph.D. College Lecturer at California State Universities, Dominguez Hills and Northridge; Santa Monica College. California, USA.
Jutta Schamp, Ph.D.
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
“Targeting the self-help book market, Michael Glock’s ‘Way Ahead’ is a very accessible, smart, and timely introduction to the significance of post-Jungian concepts in the twenty-first century. Anyone wishing to

Jutta Schamp, Ph.D.
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Sulagna Sengupta, M.A., Member, India Jung Centre, Bangalore, India; Author, ‘Jung in India’, Spring Journal Books, USA. Bangalore, India.
Sulagna Sengupta, M.A.
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
“Authentic, engaging, useful – ‘Way Ahead’ by Michael Glock is an invitation to imagine, intuit, and actualize our destinies using Jungian psychology, scientific reasoning, inner attitude, and journaling. Michael invites

Sulagna Sengupta, M.A.
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Leslie Gardner, Fellow, Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, co-editor ‘Feminist Views from Somewhere’ with Fran Gray (Routledge 2016). London, United Kingdom.
Leslie Gardner, Fellow
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Captivating and clear, ‘Way Ahead’ entices its readers into a way of self-contemplation that engages more than consciousness and ego but rather lures out the facets of the full personality.

Leslie Gardner, Fellow
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
~ Peter T. Dunlap PhD, Analyst in private practice. Author of Awakening Our Faith in the Future: the Advent of Psychological Liberalism. Published by Routledge London, England. California, USA.
Peter T. Dunlap PhD
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
“Michael accomplishes many things in ‘Way Ahead’. Not only does he succeed in telling a good story, one that is compelling and requires that we turn to the next page

Peter T. Dunlap PhD
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Russell Gibson
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
I’ve been meditating and online hypnosis sessions for a while now. I was skeptical but was willing to try Joymind to help me dissolve daily blocks I’ve been facing. I

Russell Gibson
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Michelle Yoswa
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
I am SO happy I stumbled upon Joymind. I was having a seriously hard struggle with anxiety and didn’t know where to turn. I had heard about hypnotherapy and out

Michelle Yoswa
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
~ Rabbi Stan Levy, Counsel Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP. Los Angeles, California ,USA.
Rabbi Stan Levy
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
“Way Ahead is a wonderful book for all of us who are searching for greater direction, purpose, and meaning in our inner and outer lives and the required congruence between

Rabbi Stan Levy
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
~ Dr. phil. Elizabeth Brodersen, Jungian Training Analyst, CGJI Zürich, Switzerland & Franfurt, Germany.
Dr. phil. Elizabeth Brodersen
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
“I have read and enjoyed reading Michael’s ‘Way Ahead’ very much, particularly about his background in New Zealand. It’s an uplifting, joyous work which will help those people who have

Dr. phil. Elizabeth Brodersen
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Dr. Gottfried M. Heuer, Jungian Psychoanalyst, author of Freud’s ‘Outstanding’ Colleague/Jung’s ‘Twin Brother: Otto Gross (Routledge, 2017). Book discussion with Jonathan Chadwick https://vimeo. com/196609212 London, United Kingdom.
Dr. Gottfried M. Heuer
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
“Boldly reaching across time in a trans-historical manner, as he trans-Culturally links diverse cultures and traditions into a single vision, in this ground-breaking work, Michael Glock widens the scope of

Dr. Gottfried M. Heuer
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Dr. Evangeline Rand. Registered Psychologist, Edmonton, Canada
Dr Evangeline Rand
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
“Michael’s book Way Ahead is a brilliant flagship of depth psychology, helping us to steer through our present global chaos and cross road disenchantments. Through his own vibrant scholarship and

Dr Evangeline Rand
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Chra Mustafa
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
I can’t say enough wonderful things about Rochelle L. Cook. From our very first call, she made me feel truly heard and appreciated. We didn’t waste any time she guided

Chra Mustafa
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Anxiety & stress
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Relationships issues
Sleep Issues
“Since starting these sessions, I’ve noticed a profound sense of calmness in my life. I’m better at managing overstimulation—removing myself from tense situations or finding something else to focus on.

Anxiety & stress
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Relationships issues
Sleep Issues
John H.
Anxiety & stress
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Sexual & Intimacy issues

If I met anyone with ED issues, I would recommend Hypnotherapy. The sessions took me back to ground zero and started me over erasing my old mindset.

John H.
Anxiety & stress
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Sexual & Intimacy issues
Margie Brooks
Health & wellness
Iris Sutalo
I love iris who is my therapist. She really hears me. The things that she sees that are going on within me and my subconscious are many times things that

Margie Brooks
Health & wellness
Iris Sutalo
Anxiety & stress
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
I’ve always been skeptical of hypnosis, but wow, what I experienced was something beyond all my expectations. Dr. Glock was able to put me into a deep trance, and after

Anxiety & stress
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Eliana Crestani
Eliana Crestani
Dr Michael Glock
Personal development
Dr. Michael Glock is amazing. I am not just saying. I had the opportunity to work with him on accessing the realm of Deep Psyche through the practice of Dream

Eliana Crestani
Dr Michael Glock
Personal development
Karim Dardon
Anxiety & stress
This experience with the therapist Christian Piker has been incredible and the way he has guided me, I have really enjoyed learning about the way my subconscious works and develops

Karim Dardon
Anxiety & stress
Arin-Michal Beaver
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
I have lived most of my life grappling with continuous trauma, often just barely managing to get through. In the past two years, this struggle became unbearable. As someone with

Arin-Michal Beaver
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Deanna P.
Anxiety & stress
Fears & phobias
Rosa-Maria Garrido
I suffered from anxiety for over 20 years! I had a panic attack, I want to say when I was 19, I’m now 50. Joymind’s hypnotherapy and coaching sessions have

Deanna P.
Anxiety & stress
Fears & phobias
Rosa-Maria Garrido
Cyn Severson
Personal development
At first i didn’t know what to really expect from the sessions, however as we progressed by my third session, i started to understand and realize the power of tapping

Cyn Severson
Personal development
Weight loss

My hypnotherapist gave me an individualized curated experience that really gave me clarity and peace of mind.

Weight loss
Paulyn Kvt
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
I rarely give reviews but I will do this because I am very satisfied with the services that I received. I well versed with the esoteric world and holistic healing.

Paulyn Kvt
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
John Henry
Anxiety & stress
Jasmine RS.
I’ve been on a self-healing journey for the last three years or so. It started with self help books, waking up at 5am, then kundalini yoga/meditation, cranial sacral therapy, human

John Henry
Anxiety & stress
Jasmine RS.
Bob Adams
Rochelle Cook
I absolutely love working with Rochelle. She has such a gentle spirit and open heart. Sessions with her are much more like talking with a friend who helps guide you

Bob Adams
Rochelle Cook
Jon Craft
Anxiety & stress
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Sleep Issues
Rochelle has changed my life! I had insomnia from childhood trauma but never knew the root cause. 30 years I suffered. After my first session I knew things were different.

Jon Craft
Anxiety & stress
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Sleep Issues
Megan Gutman
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Fears & phobias

Amazing experience! Highly recommend to anyone who needs clarity, focus, help with аddісtiоn or anxiety or depression. So unbelievably thorough and life changing!!

Megan Gutman
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Fears & phobias
April Enriquez
Fears & phobias
Health & wellness
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
I just can’t fully express how amazing this experience has been… My Hypnotherapy sessions with Rochelle have been truly transformative. Ive had the opportunity to work with such an incredible

April Enriquez
Fears & phobias
Health & wellness
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Brian Crimmins
Anthony L Contreras
Anxiety & stress
Health & wellness
Relationships issues
I decided to give hypnotherapy a try to help with my ED issues that have been negatively impacting my marriage and my life, after being told by my doctor that

Brian Crimmins
Anthony L Contreras
Anxiety & stress
Health & wellness
Relationships issues
Lauren Colletti
Anxiety & stress
I had a good experience. My hypnotherapist Mark was great. I enjoyed my sessions and would do it again in the future! I highly recommend this for anyone experiencing anxiety

Lauren Colletti
Anxiety & stress
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Rochelle Cook
Sexual & Intimacy issues

Joymind has been a game-changer. It’s not just a one time solution, but a toolkit techniques that I can rely on. I genuinely believe in the power of this experience.

Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Rochelle Cook
Sexual & Intimacy issues
Diana Ruc
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
I was initially skeptical about hypnotherapy, but after struggling with severe anxiety and panic attacks, I decided to give it a try. I came across Rochelle’s ad and, though doubtful,

Diana Ruc
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Darren Moore
Anthony L Contreras
Smoking & vaping
I had the pleasure and opportunity to experience the hypnotherapy session for quitting smoking and it was better than I expected it to be. My Therapist was very helpful in

Darren Moore
Anthony L Contreras
Smoking & vaping
Josh Walters
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Relationships issues
I found Iris Sutalo after my divorce was finalized. I was hurt, confused, broken and I felt guilty. Iris worked with me on a weekly basis and after the first

Josh Walters
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Relationships issues
Jennifer Sarmiento
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
I had a great experience with Joymind. My therapist Iris is amazing, and I highly recommend her. I am continuing my healing process with her and can not emphasize enough

Jennifer Sarmiento
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Helen WonPat
Ethan R.
Personal development
Ethan Reisboard, has been my hypnotherapist for about a month and he’s had a significant positive impact on my life. I always look forward to our sessions, leaving each one

Helen WonPat
Ethan R.
Personal development
Nemadia Knuckles
Iris Sutalo
I never thought I’d be in therapy, and yet here I am. And it was and is the best decision/ investment I’ve made for myself. The amount of damage we

Nemadia Knuckles
Iris Sutalo
Sam Silberberg
Anxiety & stress
It’s been an amazing experience working with, Rochelle a Joymind Co-Founder. I’ve tried years of traditional therapy and this is the first time I’ve felt significant concrete changes in the

Sam Silberberg
Anxiety & stress
Eugenia Preston
Anxiety & stress
My Joymind therapist provided a most advanced, complex treatment. It combined meditational subject-focused hypnotherapy (during which I was simultaneously fully aware of my condition, felt deep relaxation and was able

Eugenia Preston
Anxiety & stress
C Sadlon
If I could get a 100 stars I would. *THIS IS THE REAL DEAL!* my experience awesome i’ve knocked on many doors trying to get help dealing with my childhood

C Sadlon
Mary Winkenwerder
Rochelle Cook
Nothing prepares you for the loss of someone close, even when you see them deteriorate gradually. All my projects came to a halt, as did classes to help the family

Mary Winkenwerder
Rochelle Cook
Anxiety & stress
Health & wellness
Leanna Carskaddon
Sexual & Intimacy issues

I struggle with health anxiety and we were able to deep dive into where this is coming from in my subconscious mind.

Anxiety & stress
Health & wellness
Leanna Carskaddon
Sexual & Intimacy issues
Sivacharan Kantheti
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
I am very much impressed with hypnotherapy provided by Joymind. I took a 6 session package which helped me to reenergize and change the way of thinking and addressing the

Sivacharan Kantheti
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
The Grey Catsby
Kristen Luman
Personal development
Kristen’s hypnotherapy sessions have been so helpful in helping me to subconsciously better manage my anger. I have found myself not getting as upset at things as I used to,

The Grey Catsby
Kristen Luman
Personal development
Dee Cross
Anthony L Contreras
Personal development
I can’t say enough about joymind and their staff~ excellent, experienced, genuinely interested awesome awesome Deja~ shows dedication and commitment to her job. Made me feel very comfortable and answered

Dee Cross
Anthony L Contreras
Personal development
Tami Hale
Rosa-Maria Garrido
Rosa-Maria is the best!!! I have always been a highly anxious and hyperactive person. Relaxing was a foreign concept to me. I tried meditations and medications to no avail. With

Tami Hale
Rosa-Maria Garrido
Elizabeth Burchfield
Jasmine RS.
Weight loss
I had a wonderful session today with Jasmine! She is so gifted and does this process so well. Her voice is so soothing and kind. I enjoy listening to her.

Elizabeth Burchfield
Jasmine RS.
Weight loss
Kenn Yun
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle is truly a next level therapist – She takes an elevated approach to helping you relieve your stress & anxiety and find peace during tough times. She is the

Kenn Yun
Anxiety & stress
Juliana Elia
I’m about half way into my hypnotherapy package and have seen change within the first two sessions. This works. Maybe not everyone will see results so fast, but I have.

Juliana Elia
Jayla Moreno
Aneta M.
Personal development
So grateful that I e started my healing journey with Aneta! She’s amazing and so patient. I truly feel like she cares and does not make the experience feel transactional

Jayla Moreno
Aneta M.
Personal development
Jamell McMillan
Personal development
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook

It’s been such a great experience at Joymind. Rochelle is amazing. Amy is great! You’re definitely in great hands with them.

Jamell McMillan
Personal development
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Jaclyn Lopez
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Rochelle Cook
I was a little skeptical since I was unsure about Hypnotherapy. It took one session and one week to start noticing small changes to my thoughts, but that’s how it

Jaclyn Lopez
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Rochelle Cook
Alicia Diehl
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Fears & phobias
Rosa-Maria Garrido
I have been scared of loud noises (gun shots, fireworks, balloons popping, etc) my whole life. I have tried regular therapy, anxiety meds, telling myself “mind over matter”, anything you

Alicia Diehl
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Fears & phobias
Rosa-Maria Garrido
The Grey Catsby
Kristen Luman
Personal development
Kristen’s hypnotherapy sessions have been so helpful in helping me to subconsciously better manage my anger. I have found myself not getting as upset at things as I used to,

The Grey Catsby
Kristen Luman
Personal development
Angelica Munoz
Anxiety & stress
I have been working with my coach, Suzan. She has helped me overcome my anxiety and is also showing me how to control it by breath work. She knows what

Angelica Munoz
Anxiety & stress
Brooke Burnett
Anxiety & stress
Cyn Severson
Transforming my mindset with uplifting language has lifted a significant burden from me! Now, I can face challenging situations with a sense of calm and clarity, rather than avoiding them.

Brooke Burnett
Anxiety & stress
Cyn Severson
Pamela Shelby
Tafik Muhammad
To be honest, I was a little skeptical at first, however, I can tell the difference in my thinking and the way I perceive things. The journey has only just

Pamela Shelby
Tafik Muhammad
Angelica Munoz
Anxiety & stress
I have been working with my coach, Suzan. She has helped me overcome my anxiety and is also showing me how to control it by breath work. She knows what

Angelica Munoz
Anxiety & stress
Chloe Graham
Jasmine RS.
Personal development
I have seen such a difference in my emotional, mental and now physical wellbeing since doing hypnotherapy. Jasmine R has been so wonderful in our sessions and I am so

Chloe Graham
Jasmine RS.
Personal development
Tanya Sherrill
Dustin Fisher
Health & wellness
I like Dustin Fisher he understands and explains everything to you, and he got me to see stuff through my life. I didn’t think that I would see myself getting

Tanya Sherrill
Dustin Fisher
Health & wellness
Kirk Stevens
Bad habits
Zara Nazir

The therapist I have (Zara) is awesome. She really takes me into the state of hypnosis. I’ve even been having lucid dreams since I’ve been seeing her. Great experience!!

Kirk Stevens
Bad habits
Zara Nazir
Cassandra Licon
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
So glad I signed up and I was referred to Iris. She’s so kind and helpful. She made me feel so comfortable and hypnosis with her was so calming. Recommend

Cassandra Licon
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Salwa Sheibany
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle helped tremendously with my anxiety. I am able to calm down my anxiety with the deep breathing that Rochelle being doing with me during the sessions. I always feel

Salwa Sheibany
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Saghi Togashi
Anna M.
Personal development
5 star is ideal, with Anna’s expertise, compassion and patience we are progressing well and towards 5 star rating. I am 4 sessions into joymind hypnotherapy and feel understood and

Saghi Togashi
Anna M.
Personal development
Eraina Drain
Anthony L Contreras
Smoking & vaping
The program is very individually completed, which is why I like it. It’s very private too. My hypnotherapist Anthony is very intense and finds out about you by speaking to

Eraina Drain
Anthony L Contreras
Smoking & vaping
Jennifer Wingard
Health & wellness
Kristen Luman
Sleep Issues
One of our children had been diagnosed with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures and we were out of options to find suitable treatment locally. I remember the profound relief I felt during

Jennifer Wingard
Health & wellness
Kristen Luman
Sleep Issues
Pamela Shelby
To be honest, I was a little skeptical at first, however in my first session with Susan, she put my mind at ease. I have had 2 sessions now and

Pamela Shelby
Keith Downing
Personal development
Rosa-Maria Garrido
I had no idea or preconceived notions of what to expect or how to proceed so I was a little anxious and nervous. Rosa-Maria’s soothing voice was very comforting. I

Keith Downing
Personal development
Rosa-Maria Garrido
Nicholas Figel
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Fears & phobias
Rochelle Cook
Sleep Issues
Weight loss
I decided to try it out. I ended up purchasing the 12 session package. It worked out to be much cheaper per session. I figured this wouldn’t be a one

Nicholas Figel
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Fears & phobias
Rochelle Cook
Sleep Issues
Weight loss
Sheri Germond
Kristen Luman
Personal development
JoyMind has been a great experience. They are very helpful and are willing to work with you. Kristen is amazing and supplies great tools to help guide you through your

Sheri Germond
Kristen Luman
Personal development
Debbie Brandl
Anthony L Contreras
Smoking & vaping
Very happy with my session with Anthony I have been smoking for 50 years pack in half to two packs a day I never would have thought after the session

Debbie Brandl
Anthony L Contreras
Smoking & vaping
Michael Richters
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
After literal decades of therapy, Iris was the first one to focus on what I needed most was to take care of myself. What I used to consider adversarial, was

Michael Richters
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Jessica James
Anxiety & stress
Janina S.
Other addictions
I’m astonished how effective this approach has been for me. I wish I had discovered hypnotherapy sooner. I’m so grateful for Kristen for matching me with Janina. I feel really

Jessica James
Anxiety & stress
Janina S.
Other addictions
Rubi Alvarez
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
My experience with Rochelle has been very successful. I was very hesitant about it since I had lots of issues to work on. I was able to improve in a

Rubi Alvarez
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Michael Christiano
Aneta M.
Weight loss
Aneta is very friendly with a beautiful voice, making you feel at ease and able to relax almost immediately. She’s very attentive and points out how the little things can

Michael Christiano
Aneta M.
Weight loss
Vanessa Virella
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
My hypnotherapist Rochelle was simply amazing. She is understanding and caring. I have been searching for ways to understand and heal from my past in order to better myself. After

Vanessa Virella
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Nina Rodriguez
Janina S.
I have been very pleased with Janina’s help. She is a good listener. She provides helpful ideas to help create thoughts and promote solutions for my mental clarity. Today was

Nina Rodriguez
Janina S.
Cynthia Kauffman
Personal development
Rosa-Maria Garrido
I love my therapist Rosa Maria. In one session she made it so easy for me to open up that I was able to actually hear and process what others

Cynthia Kauffman
Personal development
Rosa-Maria Garrido
Yvette Perez
Anna M.
Fears & phobias
Anna is beyond spectacular! I have no words for the amount of guidance, help, and love she gives in every session. I have A LOT to unpack and she guided

Yvette Perez
Anna M.
Fears & phobias
Alma Ramos
Anna M.
Relationships issues
I can truly say that were it be impossible for me to cross the Pat of grieving with out the amazing support of joymind ; Anna was extremely helpful and

Alma Ramos
Anna M.
Relationships issues
Jeffrey Griffin
Kisha R.
Personal development
The session was amazing! I was able to relax my mind, it was the most calm and at ease I’ve ever felt. I was skeptical about trying it, but this

Jeffrey Griffin
Kisha R.
Personal development
Elizabeth Colvin
Personal development
Smoking & vaping
I worked with a Joymind hypnotherapist to tackle the daunting task of quitting smoking. (As a matter of fact, not only I, but both of my parents worked with them

Elizabeth Colvin
Personal development
Smoking & vaping
Karolina Valerio-Romero
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Iris for the past few months and cannot recommend her enough. Her kindness and empathy have created a supportive environment where I feel

Karolina Valerio-Romero
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Vivian Thornton
Anxiety & stress
Dr Michael Glock
Fears & phobias
Health & wellness
I have been working with Dr. Glock every week since April. Before seeing him and doing Hypnotherapy, I was lost, confused about my future, and saddened by years of CPTSD

Vivian Thornton
Anxiety & stress
Dr Michael Glock
Fears & phobias
Health & wellness
Jackie Watson
Personal development
Tafik Muhammad

Tafik is an absolute pleasure to work with! Very knowledgeable, welcoming and supportive. Felt very centered and clear after just one session. Highly recommend!

Jackie Watson
Personal development
Tafik Muhammad
Zach Garsson
Iris Sutalo
Personal development

Joymind is one of the best hypnotherapy services out there. You will gain clarity and a positive out of body experience. It will change your life.

Zach Garsson
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Kyra GK
Jasmine RS.
Loved my joymind therapist named Jasmine, she was amazing and helped me so much with the therapy she provided me with and gave me wonderful tools to use on my

Kyra GK
Jasmine RS.
Anna M.
Personal development
My experience with Ms Anna. has been a life changing experience. I can not be more thankful of the progress I’ve made and I know my sessions are worth every

Anna M.
Personal development
Alessandra Rios
Anxiety & stress
Zara Nazir
Great, great experience. Zara helped me managed my anxiety and brought back my sleep pattern in a couple of sessions! Still impressed on how effective the therapies were. Got a

Alessandra Rios
Anxiety & stress
Zara Nazir
Derek Swanson
Anxiety & stress
Tafik Muhammad

By far the most effective investment I’ve ever made in myself! Tafik was awesome through the whole adventure. I don’t know why more people don’t do this.

Derek Swanson
Anxiety & stress
Tafik Muhammad
Martino Garza
Cyn Severson
Personal development
It’s crazy to see the difference this experience has made on my life already. I’ve been working with Cyn Severson and I look forward to speaking with her each week.

Martino Garza
Cyn Severson
Personal development
Kyra Triplett
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Hands down the BEST therapist!! It was very easy and comforting opening up to Rochelle!! She was non judgemental and empathetic to some of the same experiences!! I would recommend

Kyra Triplett
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Eliette Cepero
Jasmine RS.
Personal development

Wow! Jazzie at Joymind blew me away today in therapy. What a wonderful session. I highly recommend her! ❤️

Eliette Cepero
Jasmine RS.
Personal development
Andrew Cuevas
Jasmine RS.
I was skeptical at first, and even still am at times. But I’ve seen changes in my life, so something is definitely working. Jasmine is awesome, super kind and understanding,

Andrew Cuevas
Jasmine RS.
Dionna Ballard
Anxiety & stress
Dustin Fisher

Dustin helped me to see things in a more positive and realistic light. I’m grateful to have crossed paths with him.

Dionna Ballard
Anxiety & stress
Dustin Fisher
Sean P
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Iris is AMAZING!!! I’m moving in ways I never imagined. Depression is an afterthought now. I’m literally watching the thoughts, letting them whiz by, and trucking along. Proof? I’m running

Sean P
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Ashley Aguilar
Jasmine RS.
Joymind has been the best therapy I have you so far. So much better than talk therapy because with this I actually get tips and tricks that really have changed

Ashley Aguilar
Jasmine RS.
Bryan Staniewski
Anxiety & stress
Tafik Muhammad
Mr. Muhammad is amazing in his craft of hypno therapy. I can’t recommend him enough. He was easy to talk to and he provides a comfortable space where one can

Bryan Staniewski
Anxiety & stress
Tafik Muhammad
Jami Jennings
Anxiety & stress
Kisha R.
My session with Kisha was completely amazing. I felt so much that I have not felt or expressed before. I am totally at awe with how much came in being

Jami Jennings
Anxiety & stress
Kisha R.
Brandy Blake
Anxiety & stress
Jasmine RS.

I really enjoyed both sessions with Jasmine. She really seems to care and listen. I highly recommend her! Would love to do another session with her again sometime soon!

Brandy Blake
Anxiety & stress
Jasmine RS.
Tanya Sherrill
Dustin Fisher
Personal development
I like Dustin Fisher he understands and explains everything to you, and he got me to see stuff through my life. I would recommend him to anyone who is looking

Tanya Sherrill
Dustin Fisher
Personal development
Grawben Corona
Personal development
Weight loss
I thoroughly enjoy my sessions with Grawben, I see change pretty much immediately and I believe the more I listen to them the more change will occur.I look forward to

Grawben Corona
Personal development
Weight loss
Heidi Martell
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle is intuitive, empathetic, & compassionate beyond words. Her guidance is grounded & spot on. She truly cares about you and your growth & healing so much so that she

Heidi Martell
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Joyce Morris
Dustin Fisher

Dustin has done more for my mental health in eight sessions than my psychologist has in two years. I highly recommend Dustin to anyone who is struggling for solutions.

Joyce Morris
Dustin Fisher
John Litton
Anxiety & stress
Tafik Muhammad

Exceptional session. I learned more and got to the root of some issues quickly with Tafik. He gave me tools and exercises that I can employ. Worth every dime!

John Litton
Anxiety & stress
Tafik Muhammad
Personal development
I didn’t expect it to go so smoothly. I felt really understood – she knew where to go and what questions to ask. She sees things I can’t see and

Personal development
Tia Robinson
Suzan B.
I love my therapist Suzane Brittan. She is the most kindest soul ever. She digs in deep to get to the issues that is keeping me from growth. I love

Tia Robinson
Suzan B.
Jason Bohannon
Suzan B.
I have been amazed at the progress I have made with Suzanne. This process has been life changing. My self confidence is better than ever and being able to listen

Jason Bohannon
Suzan B.
Nicholas Heary
Iris Sutalo
After the session I felt amazing, happy, joyous and free for the first time in many years. Jasmine is wonderful and these session are doing for me what the other

Nicholas Heary
Iris Sutalo
Alan Meza
Suzan B.
These past few months have been the most liberating & eye opening of my life, I like to thank the people of Joy mind and especially Suzan for Being a

Alan Meza
Suzan B.
Mark Ward
Anxiety & stress
Janina S.
Sleep Issues

Janina is helping me find buried treasure. We are using hypnotherapy to make rapid progress on my goal of active dream work.

Mark Ward
Anxiety & stress
Janina S.
Sleep Issues
Iris Sutalo
Personal development

Iris is AMAZING!!!! She is so kind, intuitive, compassionate, empathetic, real and so much more!!! I am getting a lot out of our sessions. I highly recommend Iris to ANYONE!!!!!

Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Carl Flack
Tafik Muhammad

Tafik is a great guy, he helped me to today and into the future. I’m blessed to have had him as my therapist. 👍🏿

Carl Flack
Tafik Muhammad
William Belmonte
Personal development

It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I was really down and out from a few weeks to now i’m way better, man

William Belmonte
Personal development
Annie Thomason
Rosa-Maria Garrido

Rosa Maria is very professional,knowledgeable & makes me feel very comfortable to open up & express myself. I’ll definitely recommend her to anyone

Annie Thomason
Rosa-Maria Garrido
Gabriel Velasquez
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Iris is definitely an experienced professional, my anxiety of public speaking has improved significantly! Iris took the time to get to the root cause and help me out. Would recommend

Gabriel Velasquez
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Judith Lowitz
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Rosa-Maria Garrido
I have tremendous respect for two Therapists that I worked with – Iris and Rosa. They were easy to talk to, and they helped me gain a healthy perspective on

Judith Lowitz
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Rosa-Maria Garrido
Tricia Casey
Cyn Severson
I initially signed up with Joymind because it was online, private, and backed by professional staff. I couldn’t be more pleased with the company, or my therapist. Although therapy of

Tricia Casey
Cyn Severson
Anne L.
Personal development

Anne was very helpful in finding and offering a solution for our situation.

Anne L.
Personal development
Weight loss
I never thought this would be so easy! I was very skeptical in the beginning but I’m absolutely amazed. I don’t feel deprived, I feel in control and for the

Weight loss
Margaret Zecchino
Smoking & vaping
I had myself down to 10 cigarettes a day for 2 to 2.5 years and couldn’t get rid of them. Tried everything. Was allergic to many of the quit smoking

Margaret Zecchino
Smoking & vaping
Suzanne Reil
Anthony L Contreras
Smoking & vaping
A delight to deal with, answer all questions as this was new to me and very calm and friendly. The fellow assigned to me and whom I have had for

Suzanne Reil
Anthony L Contreras
Smoking & vaping
Amy Wilmot
Fears & phobias
Suzan B.

I highly recommend hypnotherapy and Suzan is wonderful!! She’s helped me so much in only a few sessions!!

Amy Wilmot
Fears & phobias
Suzan B.
Diana Shelton
Rochelle Cook
I am so lucky that I’m able to work with Rochelle. I feel I’ve gotten something out of every session & having recording of the sessions are a real benefit.

Diana Shelton
Rochelle Cook
Mercedes Bush
Kristen Luman
Relationships issues

The staff and therapists are so thoughtful and nice. Working with Kristen Luman has been amazing. She listens very attentively and is so easy to work with.

Mercedes Bush
Kristen Luman
Relationships issues
Andie S
Personal development
Zara Nazir

This was a life-changer! Zara is absolutely amazing, she guided through one of the most difficult times in my life. I highly recommend.

Andie S
Personal development
Zara Nazir
Lorincio Bacus
Anxiety & stress
Tafik Muhammad

Hypnotherapist was calming and it is a transformative experience. It helped me manage stress and improve my mindset. Highly recommend!

Lorincio Bacus
Anxiety & stress
Tafik Muhammad
Kathryn Cooney
Rochelle Cook
I came to Joymind and I met Rochelle when I was dealing w/ and trying to move past a very difficult situation. I was having a very hard time healing

Kathryn Cooney
Rochelle Cook
Health & wellness
There’s just this peace that’s over me and that’s just followed my into my day to day. Things I really want in my life naturally came up because I’m not

Health & wellness
Brigette Rock
Iris Sutalo
I’ve been working with Joymind for two months and have made breakthroughs in record time compared to two years in talk therapy. I am looking forward to my continued progress.

Brigette Rock
Iris Sutalo
Dr Michael Glock
Personal development
It was wild! Michael Glock was able to create this safe space to really get to the core of deep traumas in a way I was never really able to

Dr Michael Glock
Personal development
10/10 recommend this for anyone looking to get into their healing. I feel so seen and heard. Hypnotherapy is not at all what people think – it’s more grounding and

Andrea Benitez
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Kristen Luman
Other addictions
Personal development
Sleep Issues
I found Joymind when I reach rock-bottom, and I didn’t know how to keep going. Working with Kristen has been wonderful. She’s very compassionate and caring. Very different than work

Andrea Benitez
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Kristen Luman
Other addictions
Personal development
Sleep Issues
Jesus Ramirez
Anthony L Contreras
Relationships issues

Been doing hypnotherapy for almost 2 months. Was skeptical at first, but man has it helped! Great service and the hypnotherapist are really helpful.

Jesus Ramirez
Anthony L Contreras
Relationships issues
Carlina Lan
Kristen Luman
Personal development
I enjoy working with Joymind, as is very accessible when I travel. Hypnotherapy works! But it requires consistency & putting the work (time). Kristen guide me during challenging times &

Carlina Lan
Kristen Luman
Personal development
Lorna Smith
Personal development
Rosa-Maria Garrido

Rosa-Maria is down to earth, intuitive, and knows exactly what to say to get your mind flowing. The time goes by way too fast during our sessions!

Lorna Smith
Personal development
Rosa-Maria Garrido
James Rivera

Christian got my subconscious back on track by kicking out some childhood trauma.

James Rivera
Personal development
Rochelle Cook

My therapist Rochelle was very good, she understood my issues and gave me positive practicle solutions that work. The personal guidance during the hypnotic sessions were especially helpful.

Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Randi Sina
Anxiety & stress
Grawben Corona

Very much enjoying my sessions Learning so much about myself and realizing why certain things were “stuck ” inside . Working with Joymind is helping me so much.

Randi Sina
Anxiety & stress
Grawben Corona
Marcus Rivera
Anxiety & stress
Fears & phobias
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle Cook has been an absolute game-changer in my life. Her expertise in hypnotherapy empowered me to conquer fears, manage anxiety, and overcome the trauma of gaslighting. Thanks to her

Marcus Rivera
Anxiety & stress
Fears & phobias
Rochelle Cook
Stef Schiel
Kristen Luman
Relationships issues
This company deserves more than 5 stars… I could write several paragraphs citing all of the wonderful experiences with the staff. They were all excellent, most notably Kristen Lumen. She

Stef Schiel
Kristen Luman
Relationships issues

I immediately knew she was the best person for me.

Brian Anav
Bad habits
I was a skeptic when I heard about Hypnosis. After hearing from my friend show it helped them with their habits / issues I decided to give it a shot.

Brian Anav
Bad habits
Mary Jo Lafaye
Cyn Severson
Health & wellness
Cyn was very thorough and a great listener. She is dedicated to her craft and a skilled therapist. I am even recommending her to my adult daughter. Our sessions were

Mary Jo Lafaye
Cyn Severson
Health & wellness
linda ballew
Anxiety & stress
I have been going to my hypnotherapist for social and separation anxiety and my hypnotherapist has been helping me a lot! I have been on medication and went to other

linda ballew
Anxiety & stress
Suz H
Aneta Marten
Fears & phobias

I have only had 4 sessions and have already experienced changes within myself.

Suz H
Aneta Marten
Fears & phobias
Philip Munnings
Tafik Muhammad
Worked with Tafik for one session and it was great. Hypnotherapy was a new experience for me and Tafik helped make it great. He is very knowledgeable and good to

Philip Munnings
Tafik Muhammad
Tracy West
Fears & phobias
Rochelle Cook
I started with JoyMind with Rochelle to “get over” my fear of starting IVs on patients (I’m a nurse, 35 years) and her hypnotherapy sessions helped me immensely. We have

Tracy West
Fears & phobias
Rochelle Cook
Jennifer Wright
Iris Sutalo
There’s so much to say! I came to Joymind desperate for healing and immediately felt like I was in the hands of angels from the very first phone call. Everyone

Jennifer Wright
Iris Sutalo
Kevin Pierson
Iris Sutalo
Relationships issues
Such an excellent experience! I’ve been working with Iris and love how we balance both talk therapy and hypnosis in our sessions. It’s one of my favorite hours of my

Kevin Pierson
Iris Sutalo
Relationships issues
Brigitte Blain
Aneta Marten
Relationships issues

I am half way in my sessions and I can just say things are moving great and I enjoy all sessions.

Brigitte Blain
Aneta Marten
Relationships issues
Sol Liliana Sanchez
I am really glad I had some sessions with my therapist, Kristen. She is simply adorable. She understood me very well and treated me with love and respect. I had

Sol Liliana Sanchez
Margie Brooks
Health & wellness
Iris Sutalo
I love Iris who is my therapist. She really hears me. The things that she sees that are going on within me and my subconscious are many times things that

Margie Brooks
Health & wellness
Iris Sutalo
Tami Hale
Rosa-Maria Garrido
Rosa-Maria is the best!!! I have always been a highly anxious and hyperactive person. Relaxing was a foreign concept to me. I tried meditations and medications to no avail. With

Tami Hale
Rosa-Maria Garrido
Lisa Moore
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
I came to Rochelle with a laundry list of items. We both laughed about whether or not we would be able to address them all, but she certainly did. It’s

Lisa Moore
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Cassandra Garcia
Personal development
I cannot say enough about how wonderful this program has been. Working with Tamara has changed my life in a wonderful way. I have looked forward to each of our

Cassandra Garcia
Personal development
Gaby Aziz
Personal development
Such a positive experience. I had tried hypnotherapy a few years back with a different therapist and it didn’t do much for me. This time was different. I felt that

Gaby Aziz
Personal development
Twila Rowe
Dustin Fisher
Sleep Issues
I think Joymind is a great tool for your mental health toolbox. I have had success with my Hypnotherapist, Dustin. They will tailor your sessions to your needs and I

Twila Rowe
Dustin Fisher
Sleep Issues
Mark Ward
Janina S.
Personal development

Janina is helping me find buried treasure. We are using hypnotherapy to make rapid progress on my goal of active dream work.

Mark Ward
Janina S.
Personal development
Monica Wolfsberger
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Didn’t know what I was going to talk about with Rochelle, because I had lost my mom and had lost my mind. She helped me dig deeper and brought up

Monica Wolfsberger
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Shawdo Stone
Relationships issues
Suzan B.

Suzan has been amazing! She has helped me break through so many blocks and helped me heal in ways I never knew I needed! I would highly recommend her!

Shawdo Stone
Relationships issues
Suzan B.
Shaquana Hutchinson
Anxiety & stress
Kristen Luman
Relationships issues
I absolutely love Joymind. It was a divine intervention when they came across my screen. I had always wanted to try Hypnotherapy, but was a bit skeptical and honestly scared

Shaquana Hutchinson
Anxiety & stress
Kristen Luman
Relationships issues
Naeemah Smith
Working with Rochelle has changed my life for the better. I called Joymind when I was having a very challenging time with processing traumatic experiences that impacted my mental and

Naeemah Smith
Michelle Courtney
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle counseling and guidance has been a saving grace. I’ve tried other therapy sessions but nothing compares to Rochelle. Working on deep abandonment issues and abuse. Her hypnosis therapy has

Michelle Courtney
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Mireya Bojorquez
Personal development
Lenora a Joymind Clinical Hypnotherapist and the Concierge team are literally the best. They are very friendly and quick to respond to appointments and emails. I have gotten results from

Mireya Bojorquez
Personal development
Samantha Valadez
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle is amazing and brings me a kind of peace that I have not had in a long long time. I am big into personal development and an advocate for

Samantha Valadez
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Maya Harel
Anxiety & stress
I loved my experience with Joymind, being able to do my sessions in the comfort of my own home eliminated the stress and anxiety of an office visit. My therapist

Maya Harel
Anxiety & stress
rina s
Health & wellness
Natalia was God’s Sent for my elderly mom. My mom had trouble sleeping. Since Natalia, her sleep has improved. Natalia is a beautiful soul. She is very compassionate and understanding.

rina s
Health & wellness
Glenn Vagotta
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle is awesome. From our 1st consultation she understood and what issues I had and found ways to hit them from a bunch of different angles. It was a great

Glenn Vagotta
Rochelle Cook
Andrea Pollard
Personal development

My hypnotherapist was absolutely amazing! This was the best experience I have had with any therapist. I have had a lot. I recommend this 1110%!!!

Andrea Pollard
Personal development
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Speaking with Rochelle Cook has made me feel like I am finally doing something positive for myself. Her approach has helped me understand that self care is first and foremost

Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Cyndi Poylio
Health & wellness
I came across Joymind through a Black Friday sale but hesitated because I had never seen a therapist virtually. However, when I started to look around there was such a

Cyndi Poylio
Health & wellness
Megan Ramsey
Fears & phobias
Zara Nazir

Zara has been phenomenal in my journey to remedy my fear of flying. She takes extra steps outside of our sessions to help lessen my anxiety. HIGHLY recommend.

Megan Ramsey
Fears & phobias
Zara Nazir
Kerrisha Francis
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
I was paired with counselor/hypnotherapist Iris; she was extremely knowledgeable, relatable, empathetic, and helpful with my areas of concern. Overall, my sessions were a great investment to achieve my desired

Kerrisha Francis
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
Brigette Rock
Iris Sutalo
I’ve been working with Joymind for two months and have made breakthroughs in record time compared to two years in talk therapy. I am looking forward to my continued progress.

Brigette Rock
Iris Sutalo
Derrick Thomas
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo

I had six sessions with Iris and it really has helped me with my anxiety! I highly recommend this form of therapy for anyone.

Derrick Thomas
Anxiety & stress
Iris Sutalo
Maayan Avital
Health & wellness
My experience of working with Rochelle was lovely and impactful, to say the least. I reached out to her during a very challenging point in my life when I was

Maayan Avital
Health & wellness
Mike Stimpson
Personal development
I’m very pleased with the results I’m obtaining. I was very skeptical of hypnosis before the first session but I have felt an improvement in my thinking and overall well-being

Mike Stimpson
Personal development
Suz H
Aneta Marten
Fears & phobias

I have only had 4 sessions and have already experienced changes within myself.

Suz H
Aneta Marten
Fears & phobias
Victoria Cattani
Cyn Severson
Cyn has been instrumental already after 4 sessions in improving my confidence and helping me start healing trauma I never thought I’d be able to even crack a fraction. She

Victoria Cattani
Cyn Severson
Brian Anav
Bad habits
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
I was a skeptic when I heard about Hypnosis. After hearing from my friend show it helped them with their habits / issues I decided to give it a shot.

Brian Anav
Bad habits
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
kori deluca
Personal development
My hypnotherapist is kind, compassionate and professional. Very knowledgeable about the process. She is supportive, non-judgmental and always encouraging! She has been there cheering me on during a particularly difficult

kori deluca
Personal development
Evan C
Personal development
Rochelle Cook

I had struggled with self- esteem, confidence, and negative self talk for a long time. What Rochelle does brilliantly is open the mind to growth and healing behavior.

Evan C
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Nancie Brodie
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
I have been working with Rochelle she has been great. She made me realize what the problem was and has helped me realize how to make me whole and Happy

Nancie Brodie
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
ana aragon
Personal development
Sean Green
Cannot say enough abut Mr. Sean Green, from being a professional and how he cares for you. Always making sure that you are fine and that he can answer any

ana aragon
Personal development
Sean Green
Jerome Blum
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Personal development
Relationships issues
Sleep Issues
Weight loss
Since I met our hypnotherapist, she has become a friend whom I trust to help me lose the weight I need to lose to feel healthier. She is a professional

Jerome Blum
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Personal development
Relationships issues
Sleep Issues
Weight loss
Tatiana Kindy
Sleep Issues

Hypnotherapy with exceeded my expectations. Their skillful guidance and calming presence made each session incredibly effective. I’m amazed at the positive changes I’ve experienced. Highly recommended!

Tatiana Kindy
Sleep Issues
Mireya Bojorquez
Personal development
Lenora and her team are literally the best. They are very friendly and quick to respond to appointments and emails. I have gotten results from my therapy as soon as

Mireya Bojorquez
Personal development
Beth Stone
Iris Sutalo
Relationships issues

This is the first time I have tried Hypnotherapy and I am so glad I did. I look forward to each session and am seeing the benefits already.

Beth Stone
Iris Sutalo
Relationships issues
Didgette Bodily
Personal development
Rochelle Cook

I’ve had a great experience talking with Rochelle and working on my problems +++

Didgette Bodily
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Majo Cardona
Rosa-Maria Garrido

I have felt listened to and I have remembered my qualities through the therapies with Rosa – María. Thank you!!

Majo Cardona
Rosa-Maria Garrido
Professor Andrew Samuels
Professor Andrew Samuels
Dr Michael Glock
Fears & phobias
Health & wellness
Performance Anxiety
Personal development
“Dr Glock’s and Joymind’s therapeutic models, practices and interventions are based on depth psychological principles, a humanistic and empirical science of the psyche as opposed to a purely scientific rational,

Professor Andrew Samuels
Dr Michael Glock
Fears & phobias
Health & wellness
Performance Anxiety
Personal development
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Dr Michael Glock
Fears & phobias
Health & wellness
Other addictions
Performance Anxiety
Personal development
Relationships issues
Sleep Issues
Greetings Michael. I hope you are doing well. I have good news for you. I took my first trade in quite a while today!!! And even better news, I won

Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Dr Michael Glock
Fears & phobias
Health & wellness
Other addictions
Performance Anxiety
Personal development
Relationships issues
Sleep Issues
Beth M.
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Other addictions
Personal development
Relationships issues
Sleep Issues
I recently completed my 6 sessions with Michael. Wow! What an incredible healing journey! Michael gave me many tools to use while empowering me to use special places and totems

Beth M.
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Other addictions
Personal development
Relationships issues
Sleep Issues
Stacey Jones
Bad habits
Personal development
I have completed 3 sessions so far and truly believe it’s the best investment I have made in myself this year. I knew I needed improvement in a few areas

Stacey Jones
Bad habits
Personal development
kathrynne ashley ben refael
Anxiety & stress
Personal development
Zara Nazir
“Zara’s hypnotherapy services at joymind Hypnotherapy have been truly transformative for me. From the moment I started into their practice, I was greeted with warmth and professionalism, which immediately put

kathrynne ashley ben refael
Anxiety & stress
Personal development
Zara Nazir
Evan C
Personal development

I had struggled with self- esteem, confidence, and negative self talk for a long time. What Rochelle does brilliantly is open the mind to growth and healing behavior.

Evan C
Personal development
amy wys
Personal development
Rochelle is truly a blessing! I can’t even begin to explain how she helped me through several aspects of my life, but I can tell you that the strong, independent

amy wys
Personal development
Kamal Ali
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
My Hypnotherapist, Michael Glock has been Awesome! By first asking insightful questions and then listening intently to my responses, he gains understanding and rapport. Then he ties it all together

Kamal Ali
Dr Michael Glock
Health & wellness
Personal development
Jai Khanna
Personal development
Rochelle is a pleasure to work with! I reached out to Rochelle when I noticed I was getting uncomfortable in situations where I was typically confident. I was aware that

Jai Khanna
Personal development
Elana Golden
Personal development
Rochelle Cook is an excellent counselor and hypnotherapist! She helped me recover parts of myself that had been crushed by the wounds of past trauma. The process of working with

Elana Golden
Personal development
Karen Deem
I lost my husband just over a year ago. I wanted to do hypnotherapy and looked online and found joy. Mind and I’m so very glad I did. They have

Karen Deem
Personal development
Speaking with Rochelle Cook has made me feel like I am finally doing something positive for myself. Her approach has helped me understand that self care is first and foremost

Personal development
Christy Blaney
Personal development
My experience with Joymind and my hypnotherapist was nothing short of amazing! From the booking process to their communication to my sessions absolutely exceeded my expectations! I highly highly recommend!

Christy Blaney
Personal development
Kenn Yun
Personal development

Rochelle is truly a next level therapist – She takes an elevated approach to helping you find peace during tough times. She is the real deal.

Kenn Yun
Personal development
Ghizal Miri
Kristen Luman
Rochelle Cook
I am so grateful that I had come across Joymind and got connected with Rochelle. I have been with her for more than 6 months and I locked her down

Ghizal Miri
Kristen Luman
Rochelle Cook
Eric Tabach
Dustin Fisher
Personal development
Thank you Joymind for being absolutely incredible. It is so difficult to find hypnotherapists online, but Joymind made it seamless. When I called someone immediately picked up and made me

Eric Tabach
Dustin Fisher
Personal development
Christine Moreira-Jones
Cyn Severson
Personal development
I had a session with Cyn that jad an instant impact! I was very skeptical and scared. Yesterday I was in a dark place. Cyn brought the light back. Please

Christine Moreira-Jones
Cyn Severson
Personal development
Amber Price
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
My hypnotherapist was Iris, and she is such a lovely person. I do think that hypnotherapy helped me to some degree. Iris helped me to develop skills to use when

Amber Price
Iris Sutalo
Personal development
John O
Fears & phobias
It was a great experience; our daughter did very well her first session. The hypnotist was very informative and has had a positive impact on her already. The science behind

John O
Fears & phobias
Donna Giglio
Personal development
My hypnotherapist was amazing. She connected on all of the issues that I wanted her to. I felt like she really cared and that was important to me. I would

Donna Giglio
Personal development
Julie Banowitz
Personal development
I had wonderful hypnosis therapy with Keele. She was kind, patient and knowledgeable. I had a specific goal in mind when requesting hypnosis therapy, and I am happy to say

Julie Banowitz
Personal development
MsBrooke Lauren
Relationships issues
I found joymind through Instagram. I was very interested to heal and change patterns with toxic relationships. I have had 2 sessions with my therapist. So far I am so

MsBrooke Lauren
Relationships issues
Ragnar Dominick Lothbrok
Personal development

I was in a really bad state of mind, my depression was as debilitating. When I saw my hypnotherapist she got me focused on my road to recovery.

Ragnar Dominick Lothbrok
Personal development
bethany stiles
Anthony L Contreras
Personal development
Having struggled with early childhood trauma and a series of work-related stresses over the years, I felt compelled to look into hypnotherapy. My hypnotherapist was so helpful and thorough, helping

bethany stiles
Anthony L Contreras
Personal development
Milton Wender
Personal development

Spot on for my needs; sessions are welcomed part of the week. My therapist speaks my language!

Milton Wender
Personal development
Katina Martin
Anxiety & stress
Health & wellness
Sleep Issues
As a natural health practitioner I often see how the mind affects the physical body. I found my hypnotherapist to be very knowledgeable in the mind-body connection and was able

Katina Martin
Anxiety & stress
Health & wellness
Sleep Issues
Matt Wride
Personal development
I booked a 12 pack of hypnotherapy sessions and completed my third yesterday and I am already seeing a positive change in my mood and motivation levels. My hypnotherapist is

Matt Wride
Personal development
Joanne Blum
Health & wellness
Sexual & Intimacy issues
Sleep Issues
Weight loss
I have been so impressed with my hypnotherapist. She is so warm and personal. She has given me so many tips about myself and my weight and health. In our

Joanne Blum
Health & wellness
Sexual & Intimacy issues
Sleep Issues
Weight loss
Alison Adams
Personal development
My hypnotherapist was one of the most wise and insightful people I have ever met. She helped me on a number of levels. In addition, she was so approachable and

Alison Adams
Personal development
Marston St. John

My daughter had a great experience with Joymind and her practitioner communicated clearly with me about progress and goals. Thanks so much!

Marston St. John
M t
My experience with Joymind and my Hypnotherapist has been really great. They are able to match you with an awesome practitioner and the convenience of using Zoom is great. It’s

M t
Jenn Smullen
Anxiety & stress
Personal development
I’ve had a hard time considering therapy for most of my life after my first experience was not the best however something intrigued me about Joymind and once I had

Jenn Smullen
Anxiety & stress
Personal development
Natara Sanchez
Personal development
I have noticed a change in the way I think and view things, since the first session with my hypnotherapist I could tell that something changed and I love the

Natara Sanchez
Personal development
Rashand Jones
Relationships issues
My therapist was really easy to work with. She helped me identify past trauma which stemmed from my early childhood. My therapist helped me with key aspects of my relationships

Rashand Jones
Relationships issues