Joymind | Hypnotherapy & Coaching

Rochelle L. Cook

Founder, MA., Spiritual Psychology, Certified Dream Tender & Clinical Hypnotherapist, Joymind Coach

About Me
& my skills:

Hi, I’m Rochelle. I am so glad you are here. As a clinical hypnotherapist with decades of experience, I am devoted to helping you find peace and achieve your goals through one-on-one hypnotherapy sessions. Each session is tailored to meet you where you are, and together, we will work towards where you want to be. My approach integrates various methods, including Clinical Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Psychology, Depth Psychology, NLP, and Dream Tending, ensuring a comprehensive and transformative experience.


My work is rooted in the power of subconscious healing. By addressing the traumas and deep-seated patterns that reside in our subconscious minds, we can reframe negative perceptions and transform behaviors. Hypnotherapy allows us to unlock hidden memories and emotions, facilitating profound and lasting change. This journey is about uncovering and resolving these underlying issues to foster lasting, positive transformation.

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of helping thousands of individuals overcome their challenges and transform their lives. I have authored numerous best-selling books, appeared on the Oprah Winfrey TV show, and founded Joymind, the largest hypnotherapy provider in the US. My work has been endorsed by leading figures in mindfulness, coaching, and therapy, and I am passionate about empowering people to live more joyful and fulfilling lives. It is my honor to accompany you on your journey to healing and transformation. Let’s work together to create the life you deserve.

My Favorite Quote:
“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
― C.G. Jung


Anxiety & stress , Bad habits , Fears & phobies , Health & wellness , Minor related issues , Other addictions , Personal development , Relationships issues , Sexual & intimacy issues , Trauma


  • Anxiety stress & panic attacks
  • Social & relationship anxiety incl., GAD
  • Fearfullness (life & work related)
  • Break-ups, divorce, & separation
  • Toxic relationships including trauma & abuse, love dependencies
  • Self-sabotage, co-dependency, abandonment, stalking, social media
  • Binging & purging
  • Eating dependencies
  • Body image & self-image
  • Relationship Trauma
  • Pain management
  • Fibromyalgia, IBS
  • Chronic Illness, Mystery illnesses
  • Psychological Somatic symptoms
  • PTSD
  • Grief and Loss
  • Childhood trauma, life trauma
  • Guilt & shame
  • Fears & phobias (Fear of flying, driving, blood, needles, germs etc)
  • Public speaking
  • Confidence, self-esteem, stop comparing yourself
  • Motivation, procrastination, stop bad habits, communication
  • Dependencies (Drugs, alcohol, porn, gambling)
  • Sexuality (Sexual аddiсtiоn, LGBTQ+, discrimination, acceptance, transgender)

Schedule Your
Discovery Session!
Connect with a Joymind Program Expert to unveil answers and insights tailored just for you.

or call us directly at
(888) 968-3744

Meryeens Kuoman
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
When I first started here I was lost and broken. I honestly wanted a change for me and my daughter. I knew that I attracted the wrong men in my

Meryeens Kuoman
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Health & wellness
Rochelle Cook
I’ve done CBT, EMDR and tons of other therapies but I haven’t had a session like this before! I didn’t think online would work, but it was actually better because

Health & wellness
Rochelle Cook
Jared Yutronich
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle is something else. What an amazing woman and therapist. I went into this adventure with complete unknowing of what the outcome or process would look like, but jumped in

Jared Yutronich
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
I am an overly analytical person so I was really skeptical if it would actually work. But she really helped my connect certain dots I hadn’t seen before such as

Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Arin-Michal Beaver
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
I have lived most of my life grappling with continuous trauma, often just barely managing to get through. In the past two years, this struggle became unbearable. As someone with

Arin-Michal Beaver
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Paulyn Kvt
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
I rarely give reviews but I will do this because I am very satisfied with the services that I received. I well versed with the esoteric world and holistic healing.

Paulyn Kvt
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Jon Craft
Anxiety & stress
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Sleep Issues
Rochelle has changed my life! I had insomnia from childhood trauma but never knew the root cause. 30 years I suffered. After my first session I knew things were different.

Jon Craft
Anxiety & stress
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Sleep Issues
April Enriquez
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
I just can’t fully express how amazing this experience has been… My Hypnotherapy sessions with Rochelle have been truly transformative. Ive had the opportunity to work with such an incredible

April Enriquez
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook

Joymind has been a game-changer. It’s not just a one time solution, but a toolkit techniques that I can rely on. I genuinely believe in the power of this experience.

Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Mary Winkenwerder
Rochelle Cook
Nothing prepares you for the loss of someone close, even when you see them deteriorate gradually. All my projects came to a halt, as did classes to help the family

Mary Winkenwerder
Rochelle Cook
Jamell McMillan
Personal development
Rochelle Cook

It’s been such a great experience at Joymind. Rochelle is amazing. Amy is great! You’re definitely in great hands with them.

Jamell McMillan
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Jaclyn Lopez
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Rochelle Cook
I was a little skeptical since I was unsure about Hypnotherapy. It took one session and one week to start noticing small changes to my thoughts, but that’s how it

Jaclyn Lopez
Anxiety & stress
Bad habits
Health & wellness
Rochelle Cook
Nicholas Figel
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
I decided to try it out. I ended up purchasing the 12 session package. It worked out to be much cheaper per session. I figured this wouldn’t be a one

Nicholas Figel
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Vanessa Virella
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
My hypnotherapist Rochelle was simply amazing. She is understanding and caring. I have been searching for ways to understand and heal from my past in order to better myself. After

Vanessa Virella
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Kyra Triplett
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Hands down the BEST therapist!! It was very easy and comforting opening up to Rochelle!! She was non judgemental and empathetic to some of the same experiences!! I would recommend

Kyra Triplett
Anxiety & stress
Rochelle Cook
Diana Shelton
Rochelle Cook
I am so lucky that I’m able to work with Rochelle. I feel I’ve gotten something out of every session & having recording of the sessions are a real benefit.

Diana Shelton
Rochelle Cook
Kathryn Cooney
Rochelle Cook
I came to Joymind and I met Rochelle when I was dealing w/ and trying to move past a very difficult situation. I was having a very hard time healing

Kathryn Cooney
Rochelle Cook
Personal development
Rochelle Cook

My therapist Rochelle was very good, she understood my issues and gave me positive practicle solutions that work. The personal guidance during the hypnotic sessions were especially helpful.

Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Marcus Rivera
Anxiety & stress
Fears & phobias
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle Cook has been an absolute game-changer in my life. Her expertise in hypnotherapy empowered me to conquer fears, manage anxiety, and overcome the trauma of gaslighting. Thanks to her

Marcus Rivera
Anxiety & stress
Fears & phobias
Rochelle Cook
Tracy West
Fears & phobias
Rochelle Cook
I started with JoyMind with Rochelle to “get over” my fear of starting IVs on patients (I’m a nurse, 35 years) and her hypnotherapy sessions helped me immensely. We have

Tracy West
Fears & phobias
Rochelle Cook
Lisa Moore
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
I came to Rochelle with a laundry list of items. We both laughed about whether or not we would be able to address them all, but she certainly did. It’s

Lisa Moore
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Monica Wolfsberger
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Didn’t know what I was going to talk about with Rochelle, because I had lost my mom and had lost my mind. She helped me dig deeper and brought up

Monica Wolfsberger
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Michelle Courtney
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle counseling and guidance has been a saving grace. I’ve tried other therapy sessions but nothing compares to Rochelle. Working on deep abandonment issues and abuse. Her hypnosis therapy has

Michelle Courtney
Relationships issues
Rochelle Cook
Samantha Valadez
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle is amazing and brings me a kind of peace that I have not had in a long long time. I am big into personal development and an advocate for

Samantha Valadez
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Glenn Vagotta
Rochelle Cook
Rochelle is awesome. From our 1st consultation she understood and what issues I had and found ways to hit them from a bunch of different angles. It was a great

Glenn Vagotta
Rochelle Cook
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Speaking with Rochelle Cook has made me feel like I am finally doing something positive for myself. Her approach has helped me understand that self care is first and foremost

Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Brian Anav
Bad habits
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
I was a skeptic when I heard about Hypnosis. After hearing from my friend show it helped them with their habits / issues I decided to give it a shot.

Brian Anav
Bad habits
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Evan C
Personal development
Rochelle Cook

I had struggled with self- esteem, confidence, and negative self talk for a long time. What Rochelle does brilliantly is open the mind to growth and healing behavior.

Evan C
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Nancie Brodie
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
I have been working with Rochelle she has been great. She made me realize what the problem was and has helped me realize how to make me whole and Happy

Nancie Brodie
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Didgette Bodily
Personal development
Rochelle Cook

I’ve had a great experience talking with Rochelle and working on my problems +++

Didgette Bodily
Personal development
Rochelle Cook
Ghizal Miri
Kristen Luman
Rochelle Cook
I am so grateful that I had come across Joymind and got connected with Rochelle. I have been with her for more than 6 months and I locked her down

Ghizal Miri
Kristen Luman
Rochelle Cook

Getting Started is Easy!

STEP 01See if You Qualify:
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Call for a free consultation to find out if our approach fits your needs.
STEP 02Get Matched:
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We’ll connect you with the best specialist tailored to your unique needs.
STEP 03Start Your Transformation:
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Begin your journey of growth from the comfort of your own home.